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Case study for putting customers first to evolve a novel sales pipeline.
The Case A software development team in a large financial services company had just completed a significant scope of work. They had just been given their next assignment. The team was responsible for part of the sales pipeline on the company’s website. The sales group had been tracking usage metrics on one particular line of […]
Unleashing Collective Performance Through Understanding Team Member Perspectives, Part 3
The Action Domain of David Kantor’s Four Player model provides an additional layer of guidance to discern alignment between a conversation’s stages (the “how”) and content (the “what”). We can learn to recognize signs and signals when such alignment is lacking and possible ways to move it back to a more productive state. Kantor’s Four […]
Unleashing Collective Performance Through Understanding Team Member Perspectives, Part 2
Kolb’s Experiential Learning Theory ELT provides a map of how people prefer to interact with each other and the world; what the theory considers learning situations. Each perspective is a sort of mental window or filter that is used to make sense of the learning situation and thus informs our affective, perceptual, cognitive, and behavioral […]
Unleashing Collective Performance Through Understanding Team Member Perspectives, Part 1
Working in teams can be incredibly rewarding, though also is often a source of frustration. With a small amount of information and effort informing a more effective conversation around our communication preferences, we can quickly and easily drastically change the dynamics of our teams and organizations by aligning and unleashing the creative power of our […]
4 Steps to Improve Delivery of Value
If you are involved in knowledge work where more than a single operation or task is required to move an idea to production, you’re operating a workflow. Effectively delivering value through knowledge and service work is challenged by the fact that not only is the work itself invisible, the steps that must be taken to complete […]