The Real Room #8: ‘Pathmaking’ with Kevin Callahan

In this video conversation, Kate Billing, Founder and Creator of Blacksmith, spoke with Kevin about growth, leadership and path making. 

Key Takeaways

  • learning to dance with change rather than get kicked around by it
  • integration and internal alignment as part of being Fully Human
  • catastrophizing and toxic positivity: it’s okay that it’s not okay sometimes
  • how raising consciousness is a full-contact sport
  • poetry as a powerful expression of the human experience
  • having the courage to walk our own path in a new and changing landscape
  • how who you’re with matters: choosing our path making companions carefully
  • the transformational experience of walking
  • SELF as the instrument of change
  • whether leaders and organizations are up for the ‘inner work’ of leading change in the new world, and
  • surfing, downhill mountain biking, and jazz as ‘leading from the edge’ experiences.

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