to be?
- You have a reason to change
- You’re ready to do the work
- You resonate with the guidance I offer
When Leadership Wayfinding is the right path for you, you know it.

Whether a leader, a team, or an organization, you know when you’ve hit the limits of what you can achieve on your own — you have begun to accept, and embrace that your own leadership needs to expand.
- You’re tired of working harder without making headway
- You sense you’re not being effective, but you don’t why
- Things feel chaotic, no matter what you do
Partnership enables possibilities that you simply can’t achieve on your own.
Every leader, every team, and every organization exists as — and in — an ecosystem. No one person or unit can function alone. Interdependence is key, and now is the time to fully embrace this truth — at every level of your organization.
This is where Leadership Wayfinding comes in.

Wayfinders are comfortable with the responsibility and accountability of making decisions. But they have started to realize that their most important role may be to recognize when others are in a better position to make them. And part of their realization is that their leadership evolution is its own path where they deepen skills and capacity from initial insights to profoundly capable.
- Wayfinders enable and support wise decisions
- Wayfinders create the conditions that safely support autonomy and self-organization
- Wayfinders explore how traditional roles and responsibilities might evolve
Wayfinders believe that improvement is woven into the fabric of personal practice and leadership. They recognize that no one can do the heavy lifting for them, and they are willing to approach even their deepest beliefs and assumptions with curiosity and inquiry.
- Wayfinders are ready to experience the discomfort and challenge of the path ahead
- Wayfinders are excited to explore the patterns, models, and language that can help articulate what they’ve learned and what they seek
- Wayfinders are more interested in formulating powerful questions than coming up with all the answers
Wayfinders’ primary concern is for those they are responsible for. When people are heard, valued, and taken care of — when the conditions for their happiness are met as effectively as possible — the rest follows.
- Wayfinders see people for who they are, more than just the jobs they do
- Wayfinders balance financials, quality, and overall business health and metrics while prioritizing people first and foremost
- Wayfinders are ready to courageously confront the inevitable gap between intent and outcome as they strive to make their worlds a better place every day