Partner. Collaborator.

Hi, I’m Kevin Callahan.

For more than two decades, across industries and organizations of all sizes, I’ve been bringing people together to navigate complex environments.

And here’s what I know to be true:

  • People are the hearts, minds, and hands of our organizations
  • Together, we can go farther and be more amazing
  • Complexity is not the same as “increasingly complicated”

With Leadership Wayfinding, I enable leaders, teams, and organizations to adapt and thrive in the face of new challenges and evolving circumstances.

If change is breaking what worked in the past — Leadership Wayfinding offers a new path forward.

Navigating change — with integrity, interdependence, & dignity
It starts with people — inviting individuals, building relationships, and developing trust.

The kinds of change we need today can’t be managed or catalyzed

The changes we are called to lead demand new metaphors. Metaphors more nuanced than control; that include us.

Solutions effective in the past may not be what we need now

Now is a different time; there is no promise that what has worked in the past will continue to be effective.

We need to accurately identify and adapt to changing circumstances

Correctly making sense of the contexts we move through enables us to shift with them. What if you could surf these waves rather than be tossed by them?
It’s time to expand beyond the bounds of our current thinking so that we can access new solutions and better problem-solving.

Leadership Wayfinding is anchored in personal practice and partnership. I walk the path with you using a very specific lens: the understanding that sustained change efforts are built through the choices YOU make in the context YOU know best. And together, we create a path for you to travel forward.

Navigating complexity
requires a powerful compass.

Here’s what I believe:

  • Relationships, conversations, and narratives are primary mechanisms of change
  • Increasing agility at all levels is about far more than new processes and tools
  • Choice and the capacity to respond as circumstances change are key to agility
Who I am

I believe in people. And I believe that people respond best to being collaborated with, rather than done to.

  • I coach individual leaders to respond more effectively to the complexity they face
  • I guide teams at all levels to meaningfully engage and improve their work together
  • I foster growing organizational agility to minimize risk and keep options open

With Leadership Wayfinding, I guide leaders, teams, and organizations as they build their paths forward — in the way that only they can.

Wayfinding is a way of being for me.

The path I’ve traveled to formulate Leadership Wayfinding started 30 years ago as an outdoor and wilderness guide. For the past 25 years, I’ve been a software developer; a professional agilist on Scrum teams; since 2012 as an agile coach often operating at enterprise scales where the boundaries of agile practice blur and overlap with multiple other disciplines.

The thread that runs thorough all of these experiences has been my commitment to helping people feel safe even in discomfort — so they can have novel experiences that offer new possibilities, perspectives, and opportunities.

Today, I work internationally as a professional trainer, coach, mentor, speaker, and team member.

  • Founding track author and recipient of the IC Agile Certified Expert in Enterprise Coaching (ICE-EC)
  • Invited speaker at major global agile events (Agile2022, Global Scrum Gathering – Austin 2019)

I partner with leaders, teams, and organizations so they can find and explore their edges and discover what awaits beyond.

  • Master of Science in Positive Organization Development and Change (MSPOD) from the Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University
  • Authorized trainer for the International Agile Consortium (IC Agile)
  • Invited speaker to major international and regional agile conferences
  • Certificates in Appreciative Inquiry and Emotionally Intelligent Leadership and Coaching
  • Certified Leadership Agility 360 Coach
  • Certified Kolb Experiential Learning Profile Coach

In complexity, we can never quite know what will happen next. We must be able to adapt, innovate, and improvise.

With Leadership Wayfinding, I become a partner who supports and guides so that leaders, teams, and organizations can find their way — with courage, curiosity, and persistence.

When you win, I win.

Ready to start Wayfinding together?